Hatter's World has come a long way in the past year! I never thought when I started this blog, that it would get this big. And now, I've been quoted in Shoot The Moons press kit.
So what is a press kit? A press kit is in a nutshell,is a package of promotional materials. That contain The Artist Biography, Promotional Photos, And Reprints of Press "Clippings"(the last is where I am). These are used most of the time for a bands Cd promotion or booking gigs. I use these when writing about most bands on this site( bet you didn't know that). Back in the day these looked much like Resumes, but today they are the bands website. This is another reason bands should have their own site and not just MySpace.
So enough of me rambling here is the full Shoot The Moon Press Kit:
Shoot the Moon Press Kit and Biography:
Sean McGeehan – Lead Vocals
James Balogach – Bass / Vocals
Tom Sweeney – Guitar / Vocals
John Young – Drums
Bookings -
570-332-3545 smcgeehan@stmband.netPromotion -
570-578-5404 jbalogach@stmband.netShoot the Moon LLC
Shoot The Moon is the very definition of an independent artist.
While many projects utilize agencies, management companies or even record labels, Shoot The Moon has taken a complete hands on approach since the four members abandoned their previous ties and started working together in April of 2007. Having all been childhood friends or one time band-mates, any usual awkwardness was quickly silenced.
A successful band road trip to The NAMM Music Convention in Anaheim California helped secure connections with industry heavy weights, multiple equipment endorsements, and helped garner songwriting credibility.
This songwriting, booking, promoting machine has acquired impressive results, reaching No. 7 on the
ReverbNation.com Rock Charts and maintaining Top 20 status for six months receiving more votes then
Matchbox 20,
Puddle Of Mudd, and Audio Slave among others. Add to that a solid footing in the Top 40 out of over 154,000 artists in the combined genre charts in 2008, neighboring
50 Cent, Pink,
Kenny Chesney, Alisha Keys and every known artist you can imagine.
“We’re just starting to realize our writing potential together,” admits bassist James Balogach. “Everyone is contributing great songs. A song is sent through the channels and before the ink dries – BAM – here comes another. It’s non-stop.”
Lead vocalist Sean McGeehan agrees. “It’s great to have four heads going at it. Whichever idea is more complete usually gets bumped up the list. I think that keeps everyone on their toes.”
Shoot The Moon infuses enthusiasm, raw power, and high energy through an aggressive form of rock flirting with modern, alternative, southern, and pop punk that culminate into a focused, but radical, delivery of music throughout their animated “bouncing off the wall” live show, keeping crowds entertained and involved.
To Shoot The Moon, the fans are the most important part. Ravenous, obsessive, and loyal dance-aholics, the “
Moonies” are huge supporters when it comes to attendance and word of mouth advertising. Fans enjoy introducing friends to “their” band.
New viewers quickly realize that a Shoot The Moon show does not mimic other bands. Along with Shoot the Moon’s own material, they play crowd favorites and easily recognizable songs that most bands wouldn’t attempt from the 70’s to this weeks
Billboard Charts.
However, what’s music without a show?
McGeehan responds as if fired from a cannon, “Oh, we haven’t forgotten to entertain. We offer something most people haven’t seen in awhile; a great mix of musicianship and showmanship. In fact, you may not know where to look. I catch myself watching,” he laughs.
Drummer John Young explains, “The best way I could describe it is like four cans of energy drink that never come down.”
“Or like an amazing car crash…you can’t look away,” adds guitarist Tom Sweeney.
In a bold move, Shoot The Moon has taken their plan of world domination a step further by organizing their own monstrous events entitled “LOONERFEST.”
The first LOONERFEST will take place at The Woodlands Inn and Resort in
Wilkes-Barre, PA on March 6, 2009.
www.loonerfest.com. The festivals will be held at different venues every three to four months.
Why bother organizing such events?
Sweeney lays out the details:
“The idea is to make the festival profitable for everyone. The participating bands keep 100% of the money from their ticket sales. That’s a first! The venue simply provides the location and helps with advertising and makes a killing through alcohol sales. Vendors have the opportunity to sell tickets, like the bands, and keep the profit. That’s just another LOONERFEST first! Even better for the fans, the tickets are $10 for two people if purchased before the concert and $10 per person at the door. As if that's not enough, there are $100 and $200 cash prizes and $300+ in door prizes along with sponsors supplying on site services for free. You can't beat that deal! We could only have dreamed of the response we've already received for LOONERFEST. It might even sell-out!”
Balogach continues, “People were talking about LOONERFEST two days after the concept was developed. The staff of
The Woodlands knew about it before their boss told them they were hosting it. That’s some quick buzz!”
The second pressing of the bands independently released EP, “Headshot,” is sold out. The five songs that make up the EP have generated national and international interest from Seattle,
San Francisco,
Los Angeles, Wikes-Barre/Scranton, and Boston to the UK, Sweden,
Italy and
Germany through cyberspace and weekly radio rotation. The song “Dysfunctional Accident” was voted No. 1 on NEPA Rebellion Radio for fifteen weeks of the last eighteen weeks of 2008, and finished No. 3 overall for the whole year. More national and international exposure by way of
XM Satellite Radio, and SIRIUS Satellite Radio is currently underway.
Shoot the Moon will record a full-length album early 2009.
Shoot The Moon is an “in your face” rock show, that encourages crowds to go crazy, forget about the negatives, and enjoy the moment. Place them in front of an audience and you’re opening the floodgates.
Although they are an entertaining and sometimes all out riot act, the band is very serious about song writing. Shoot the Moon is continually amazed that their music receives the most requests and loudest crowd responses and aim to keep it that way.
“We respect each others thoughts and influences,” states Young.
“That’s what gives us our sound.” Balogach concludes, “We’ll continue to write music we love and others react too. When people sing back lyrics you wrote, there’s no better connection. They may perceive your words differently then intended, but the song has made an impact. They must be feeling something and that’s a release in itself.”
“Karma and energy are excellent. Tom Sweeney’s guitar playing is a joy to listen to… Great things lay ahead for these guys for sure.”
Marcus Henderson/Original guitarist for all “
Guitar Hero” recordings
“The first opening act encore (while opening for
Sammy Hagar) in the history of Montage
Montage Mountain, Wilkes-Barre, PA
“(STM) released an EP with 5 fantastic songs. My personal faves are “
Leave Me Alone,”
“Dysfunctional Accident,” and “This Hurt.” Sean has an absolutely amazing voice!”
Rachel Rocks, PA Musician ‘Out and About’
“Shoot The Moon...Headshot, packing a mighty five-song punch filled with crunchy guitars, pounding
drums, and gruff vocals. (Headshot) is a quick burst of energy and straightforward rock, setting
Shoot The Moon up to fit in just about perfectly with all of the big-name rock acts of today.”
Cassie Gressell Shinbone Magazine
“Dare I say it? Yes. Sean is without question one of the best front men the Pennsylvania music scene
has had in years. Don’t take my word on it, go and experience (Shoot the Moon) for yourself… you
have my personal guarantee that you will not be disappointed.”
Denise Edge, PA Musician ‘Feature’
“Shoot The Moon has recently experienced some huge successes which we've been loyally following. We're thrilled for this original band that's breaking through to the front of not only the
local music scene, but is becoming an internationally recognized name in rock charts. This Wilkes-Barre rock band has received a lot of local media attention lately and with good reason - they deserve it.”
Word Of Mouth Magazine
Hatter’s World,
Masury, OH:
http://hattersworld.blogspot.com/“LOONERFEST is more like Ozzfest,
Family Values tour, ect...but LOONERFEST has a slight edge over these shows. How? Well the bands playing in LOONERFEST sell the tickets and can keep the money…Shoot The Moon has taken the
unsigned band genre way past the next level. With over a thousand plus fans(online and offline) the band still takes the time to treat every fan like they are their #1 fan. I'm still surprised that they have not been picked up by a major label yet.”
Hatter of Hatters World
The Mountain105.5 WMGH
Metal Messiah Radio;
www.metalmessiahradio.comSHOOT THE MOON MUSIC:
I’m Sorry
This Hurt
Don’t Fade
Sad To Say
I Walk Away
Late At Night
Daffodil Days
All The Drama
Pass With Time
Leave Me Alone
Shoot The Moon
How Many Times
You’re A
Star TonightWhere’s The Romance
Dysfunctional Accident
Ride With The Top Down
Don't forget to pick up your LoonerFest tickets at
LoonerFest.com for March 6 in Wilkes-Barre, PA.